Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Grey's Anatomy - Be Touched

As my fren Bak Chew wrote it in her blog before, Grey's Anatomy is simply great! I have been a follower since the first season, and am avid fan.. Usually i dun like the hospital shows, ala ER kind, as i can't stomache the bloody & gory scenes.. Even now, there are numerous times that i watch Grey's Anatomy between my fingers.. but this i endure as I love the meaningful plots and musings, i love the witty conversation, the sound tracks are divine and the cast are solid, WHAT IS NOT TO LOVE!!!

However, last night's episode, Damage Case, for the first time, had me crying.. Maybe its the pregnancy hormones, but I am finding it much harder to stomache scenes of premature babies.. last night's episode showed a pregnant mum who had all her insides all messed up in a car crash, and while all the brilliant docs were trying to re-arrange her insides, and baby remained alive in her. ..

Well, I learnt a fact, (i hope it's a fact), that a baby can stay alive for max of 5 mins in the womb after the mum has died... and yes, the mum did not pull through the mega surgery but her baby survived, thanks to intern Alex.

When I saw the tiny baby placed in the incubator, somehow tears just started to flow.. from a mum or mum-to-be-again perspective, such scenes are heart wrenching. And I really love Grey's Anatomy for depicting these and the varied human emotions starkly... these greater issues of love, hate, forgiveness are all augmented in these episodes...

And the image of the dad's hand caressing the baby through a tiny opening in incubator really got to me.. and that tiny hand.. everything about a baby is so TINY. And yet, everything that they inspire in us are so GREAT- the great awe, the great love, the great wonders, of course, at times maybe, even the great pain... For such a Tiny bundle, babies do bring some Great joy..

In 3 more months I am due to savor the arrival of a baby.. I must savor it - the great, the good, and even the baddest, for it may really well be my last chance to feel first hand THE moment..

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