Saturday, August 16, 2008


Originally it started off ok..
With Melanie gone, and Papa and mum/ MIL to look after the kids..
The it started to go hay wire..

and it all started because these care-givers just went ahead and screw up the kids' time table..
The more antsy the kids are, the more comforted they are by routine.
But do these people understand that?
Not a bit apparently.
For the last week, the meal times are screwed up, the sleeping hours are screwed, even the meals themselves are screwed.

Since i can't take care of it all.. i decide to just give up and let them handle the mess that they started.

And some stupid ppl still have the cheek to be angry.. when their own un-doing started it first.
I wonder if the simpler solution will have been to hire 2 maids who can handle idiot proof instructions and not try to play or act smart by screwing up the kids' routine which we took years to build and enforce.

But these mindless ppl apparently cannot understand.
Then, there are the useless people.. who cannot cook kids meal, and cannot cook decent adult food without it being fried or stewed in oil..

I think if we can't provide stimulating care for the kids, the basic is to stick to the meal and sleep routine. Is that so damn hard?!

And me.. well, in my current state, I am simply not up to fighting, or even try to undo the shit that happens. just being angry saps the energy out of me. and coming home to kids who have not been fed, who are late in their meals, not bathed or not prepared to sleep at the usual times pissed me off no end.

i need the routine as well.. and i need the childcare, functional part of it to be routine and as per the time-table.. instead of having to put up with battles such as I do not want to eat, I do not want to bath, I do not want these and that.. which are things that are always done on routine.

if the tasks are done on schedule, it does not breed resistance cuz the kids are used to the routine. But when you give them a chance to skive or skip one of those tasks, or delay the implementation of the task, then of course the kids stall, and cook up excuse and try to whine and cry their way out of it.

Simple psychology like these, these ppl cannot understand.
What is wrong with just keeping to the routine?

And not to feed sugar loaded carbo to the kids.. which also encourage the kids to be more hyper and energised than they are.

In times like these, I just give up.
it takes too much effort to care, and i can't undo the entire week of screw ups.
and for those who screw it all up, let the suffering enlighten them perhaps.


JoyfulJazzyMummy said...

can understand the frustration. it's really hard to undo, or call it "unscrew" all the things that we once took pain to put in place.

Skyy Low 刘乐天 said...

Do keep yrself relax in yr current state. think yr mood swing easily at this stage so do keep cool n close one's eye if possible. Must try to relax and don't get piss off so easily. I got mood swing easily too lately and I would scold/beat Skyy on small little issue then I would feel badly...have to keep telling myself to be cool n calm.

ShanZen - Brightsong said...

guess it now depends on prioritising. I shall think it's maintaining your well-being. if so, you may have to temporarily "shut one eye/ear/mouth/whatever". :)

Just sharing from someone who had "been there, done that". when my mum was caregiver, hubby and I just "let nature took its course". Of course, when I had to re-route my son to childcare, the journey has not been very smooth-sailing. But I feel En and Xuan's caregivers are more committed and won't quit halfway like mine. Having live-in helpers may or may not help, it really depends on luck too. Rather than to leave to luck at this moment, perhaps try your best to look at the bright side that at least someone close is taking care of your kids. :) Sorry for being long-winded.

Baby En said...

thanks for the comforting and encouraging words.
Definitely mood swing.. and frustration and short fused.
but i also hated for time-table to be disrupted.
It really makes life harder..
well.. more to come with 3 boys I suppose... argh!!!

and brightsong.. our care-takers also not that reliable.. when En first came, it was a nightmare. That's why we had both a nanny and a maid even when I only have 1 baby back then! But it got better as the kids grow older but the conflict always arises whenever I have a new baby..

I think I am the only gal whose parents/ PIL are afraid of babies. If it is not so funny I think it is a bit pathetic.. so I am super envious of those whose parents/ PIL are v hands on with kids..
That is not to say they dun love my kids, they just scare of babies and the trouble they bring thats all..
sighz.. *shrugz*

Skyy Low 刘乐天 said...

Hey, just think that u r much luckier than me then u'll feel lots better! I've no one to rely on except for ourselves...MIL cant even take care of baby while my mum simply want to work...if not for a gd nanny to come by...I'll be helpless and lost! "Think on the bright side of life..." :)

Baby En said...

cannot compare lah. i believe 家家有本难念的经 or even 几本 :) So we have our fair share of things to cope.

But i also think a good nanny is heaven-sent.. we need all the help we can get i suppose.

anyway, you knwo the gender of your bb yet? If gal, we will be super jealous and envious, but super duper happy for you.. :)

Skyy Low 刘乐天 said...

Its a gal! GOD sent I think. Will close shop after this. :)
