Friday, January 16, 2009

Yap Bao Rui

Finally.. Bao Rui arrived.
Unexpected and in a totally different manner from his brothers.

I gave birth to Bao Rui on 10 Jan, when my water bag burst around noon. Bao Rui was not delivered till 17:25 pm eventually via an emergency Cesarean.

The day before, I just had a doc's appt and did the ECG which indicated some labor contractions, and Doc said that while baby may decide to come any time, we still have an appointment for the subsequent Thursday when we decide on the day in inducing baby on the 38 week.

But Bao Rui took matters into his own hands.
My water bag burst, and thinking it will be a speedy delivery, i was much dismayed and distressed to learn that baby was in distress, with rapid heartbeats.
Hence I could not be induced nor let labor take its own course; a C section was the safest option.

Not wanting to be further distressed by an epidural C sect, I opted for GA, which turned out to be what caused me the greatest pain in my life.

When i woke up, it was only to find Baby in ICU and it was another 2 days before I saw him, before that all my impression of him was through a video clip and photos that NJ took.

And i was in such pain that it was impossible to get out of bed.
Despite the painkillers, turned out I was allergic to the ones they usually prescribed for C section patients, so the mix of the rest did not do much pain relief for me.

It was a 3 days later that Bao Rui was discharged from the ICU, but instead of rooming with us as anticipated, he continued his brothers' tradition of super high jaundice level (at 290) and had to be in nursery all the time for phototherapy.

HE could only be discharged on the 5th day, so we spent another day in hospital with him so that I can try to catch up on feeding him..

We even had to rent the photo therapy home , as his jaundice only came down slightly and in order to come home, he has to complete his light therapy. By the time i was writing this entry, his level has come down significantly and can be off his phototherapy for the first time!!

It was an immensely tramatising event for me to go through C section and the level of pain I was subjected to.
I was in physical pain all the time for the 1st 3 days, and always crying because of the pain.
By the time I wrote this entry, I just visited the doctor to discover i had various inflammation - both of the wound as well as the area surrounding the wound because of my sensitivity towards the dressing.

And this is probably because I was taken off antibiotic while I was in hospital as that gave me diarrhea for the first 2 days, in addition to the pain. So today i was prescribed antibiotic cream as well as some more antibiotics.

In any case, here are the pics..


bp said...

Welcome, Bao Rui!!! Heartiest congrats to you, Baby En and NJ!

I'm happy to see Bao Rui's pictures, he's indeed a big bundle of joy, just as En and Xuan are! Yay to even more love now!

Glad that Bao Rui's off the photo therapy, and kudos to Mommy an hugs for you for enduring the painful birth and side effects of the medicine. I pray you'll have a speedy recovery, and all the help you need in these hectic first weeks especially.

Thank you for keeping in touch. I appreciate your coming by my blog.

Take good care my dear friend, and God bless you and your beautiful family.

stardust said...

Congrats on the arrival of Bao Rui!

NomadicMom said...

Hello...first time here.. Jumped over from bp's blog.
Congratulations on your new bundle of joy!!!
Wow! Mommy of 3 boys! :-)

(errr...I'm a mom of 2 boys. No girls.... )

ShanZen - Brightsong said...

congrats, Baby En! glad to hear things are turning for the better. don't despair if your antibiotics unsuitable for bf-ing, you can still keep up your supply by frequent pumping and discarding for the meantime. if you've bf-ing concerns, can get NJ to contact me. :)

JoyfulJazzyMummy said...

I was screaming in delight when I saw your blog. Wasn't able to log on to your blog successfully past few days.

Welcome to Baby Bao Rui! You have been marvellous too, miew!

Don't worry too much. Take heart, things come naturally, especially for mummies.

A hug for you and baby!
