Monday, November 13, 2006

Baby En - the Goldfish??

These days, bringing En out for dinner or lunch can be a real challenge, because we find a real Cookie Monster with us all the time..

Baby En really loves food, all kinds of food.. and it is amazing how his radar detects the "food" category, which makes him go "mum-mum-mum-mum".. His chant gets louder and louder if we ignore him.. which can be rather embarrassing for us .. And the way he clamours for food, sometimes, even trying to climb out of his baby seat to grab at our food, makes other diners wonder if we are the selfish parents who are relishing our food and not feeding our baby... When the reality is that Baby En already had his usual specially prepared lunch or dinner and is just greedy for more!!

So these days, we have to try to master the skill of feeding him bits of food to stop his chant, while at the same time eat our fill.. so much for being able to multi - task..

I used to hear a story about goldfishes, that they are such silly creatures that they will eat whatever you feed them.. They do not know when to stop and can eat till they bloat...

Momo, our dog, shares that trait.. we once brought her to a doggie X'mas party feast where she ate all the food that was given to her, till we had to stop her or her belly will burst!

Now I am wondering if Baby En is like that as well... he seems to keep wanting to eat, no matter how much we have fed him for lunch/ dinner. Sometimes I am afraid he will be like the goldfish - not knowing when to stop and eat till he has stomach problems!

Then again, for kids, this may be a phase - something I think I better enjoy, because most kids I observe, once they know the value of play, will trade play readily for food, anytime..

My future problem is more likely to be trying to coax En to eat during meal times... in any case, it will still means that the luxury of me enjoying a quiet peaceful meal seems out of reach for some years yet!! Sob Sob..

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