Tuesday, November 14, 2006

En Strapped In...

Way before we have Baby En, we always wonder when we saw one parent sitting at the back seat, accompanying their kids while the other parent drive.. and typically they are Singaporeans..

In contrast, the foreign familes which we observe hardly do this, both parents remain in the front seat while their kids remain at the back..

To me, the latter's way seems more wholesome, and perhaps, symbolic of the values they believe in.. that parents stay together, just like being seated together, instead of splitting up to focus on their kids.. It is inevitable that parents tend to be very kid focussed, and hence, will "give up" or trade off their spouse for their kid..

So we have decided when we have Baby En that we will train him from young to stay in his infant seat alone while both of us remain in the front seats. And must say we have been rather successful in training En to stay in his car seat since young.. Though as he grows older, sometimes he will wail incessantly to get our attention, but in general, he is quite a well behaved baby when strapped in..

We have already transitted him from his infant seat to his new car seat some time back in anticipation of Bao Xuan, and it works better for us as we can now see his funny expression facing forward now.. Then again, when we have 2 baby seats in the car next time, I really wonder what the 2 babies will do at the back.. hm...

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