Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Baby En's Tantrums?

What always scares me when I am out shopping are hearing the incessant wails of babies/ kids, trying to wail and scream their way to getting what they want..

And since 1 yr of age, and after his weekly play class, Baby En really became more expressive in all aspects.. and unfortunately, expressively both for the good and the bad!

On the good side, he is a real cutie pie when he is affectionate and gay.. He is increasingly "playing back" all that we have communicated to him, roaring like a lion when he sees lion/ tiger images, learning to express fear such as "scare-scare" and even kissing us when we ask him to!

However, last week, when we brought him shopping for Baby Xuan's last minute stuff, En kicked up a huge fuss when we did not allow him to browse on his own at the toys department.. To me, this seems like a REALLY bad sign.. tantrums at such a tender age? Aren't these stuff supposed to come only when they reach 2 yrs old, hence, the term Terrible Twos?

He is barely 15 months and he is already trying to assert his will over us.. while a part of me fear for hubby's and my lives ahead, the other part of me can't help marveling at the rate that he is growing.. almost everyday he is showing us that he is developing and growing.. from new vocab to new antics and acts, and are quite a joy to share these moments with him..

And, we vow not to let him be the ill behaved spoilt brat in public, and I am keeping fingers crossed that we will have better control the next time we visit a toy section..

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