Wednesday, November 01, 2006

En's Outing Part II - Of Man and Dogs

We accomplished something 2 weeks ago, we brought Baby En and Momo out to the Dog-Run and McDonald's - SANS the helper!

It was not as bad as we thought...aside from En's incessant whining in his car seat during the journey, both En and Especially Momo were exceptionally well behaved...

En is quite well socialised with dogs, and he was not fearful even when the dogs barked at him.. Momo proved herself quite the nurturer.. when we placed her leash on the pram (with one of our hands on the leash still of course), she trotted along with the pram - no sudden lurches or speedy running, not even when she came across other dogs.. It was as if she knew...

It was a Joy watching En trying to grab momo's leash.... and when we let Momo free, she would still stay close by while Dad tried to get En to walk.. Momo would sit in front of En, as if protecting him from other dogs.. Momo is just such a sweet and sensitive dog.. She has always been a great dog, and now I see the potential of her as a great companion to my 2 boys..

At the McD, En kept asking for fries and ice cream - well the junkie mum fed bits of the fries and sips of the ice cream to satisfy the little junkie.. All in all, it was a good trip, and we ought to do that more often... To enhance this special bonding between Man and Dog.. Posted by Picasa

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