Friday, November 24, 2006

Baby En - The Shopper and "Bookie"?

We started Baby En on his shopping recently.. It started with letting him crawl around Carrefour, and this little boy was "stuck" at the rack that had all the toys for quite some time.. While we browsed for Baby Xuan's baby items, En was at the opposite ailse looking and touching the toys.. so much for self entertainment.

Then when we brought him to the bookstore, he was busy going through the various books, so much so that when it was time for his class, he refused to move away from the bookself..

And it seems like the little boy has developed quite a love for books, even if it is just flipping through the books again and again.. and he will also hand me the same book numerous times to be read.. well, there are only so many times I can spin different versions of stories for the same pictures..

Still we hope En will share our avid love for books, and I can't wait to get him his own bookshelf! :)

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