Monday, May 28, 2007

Busy bee...

These days, I feel really tired.
Think I play too hard, and work too hard, and do everything too much...

Besides working long hours last week, I also do my fair share of TV.. watching VCDs and TV program..

Then on weekend, I baked lagsana, not bad at all for my first attempt.. hubby and melanie all said its good, think i can make it to serve guest next time. I do it all from scratch ok, even the cheese sauce.. and I love it..

I think baking is therapeutic. it de-stresses me. And for a gal who hardly knows how to use the convection oven, I think I have come a long way...

Weekend, i was even too sleepy to really play with the kids.. i wonder if it a sign of aging, I am prone to take afternoon naps on weekend to catch up on lost sleep, and I am the gal who use to party all night or work the report through the night and still be able to watch movie the next night.. these days, just staying up to 2am exhaust me..

Xuan xuan is becoming quite the muscle man, with a loud voice, he loves to scream.. and the house is now often filled with his screams and excited wails..

Then to maximise the weekend, hubby and i went to watch pirates of the Carribean At World's end.. despite the lukewarm critque, I love it.. It is entertaining, and Orlando Bloom excites me! Drool no end.. And so I have changed my MSN photo to Orlando for this week.. babies taking a backseat haah!

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