Monday, August 13, 2007

He is Not Heavy, He is My Brother..

Time really flies, Xuan Xuan is soon to be 8 months, and the 2 brothers has begun fighting over toys. And one is as stubborn not to share as the other is as stubborn not to let go. So when Xuan Xuan touches En's puzzle, En cries. And when En snatches his puzzle back, Xuan wails. So it went on for about half an hour one afternoon.

And Papa ended up confiscating the puzzle, as En refused to share.

We envisage many more of such fights to come. But it is not all bad. As there are times when En will volunteer his toys to Xuan on his own.. and sweetly look out for Xuan Xuan and hug him.

En made a pair of cat ears in his Saturday class last week, and he loves seeing Xuan Xuan wear it.. Quite a funny sight indeed. So here are the latest photos of Xuan and En.

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