Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Last night, our friends dropped by for a gathering, and it took quite a bit of preparation and cooperation on all fronts to ensure that En did not cry too much nor create too much chaos with his wails..

All in all, if we ease him in with the visitors slowly and gradually, he is quite fine. Think we just have to let him practice more so that he will warm up to strangers more easily.

There were some very interesting conversations between the adults and Baby En, but the best has to be the following:

Scenario 1:
Baby En peering into Aunt Robee's laptop and pressing the keys while Mummy was trying to crack the WEP code for our wireless access for Aunt Robee to log on.

Uncle BH: "You do not need to learn that (the laptop), by the time you grow up, it will be obsolete..."

Baby En: *bo chap*

Scenario 2:
Baby En eating the bits of BBQ chicken that mummy is feeding him...

Uncle BH walked by and remarked: "You do not need to learn that (referring to the chicken), by the time you grow up, it will also be obsolete!" ...
And BH later explained that with the bird flu and the killing of the infected chicken, when En grows up,
"there will be no more chickens left"

Baby En: *happily eating his chicken*

Scenario 3:
Later in the evening, the adults were getting ready for some BlackJack Action, and Daddy took out the stack of erotic poker cards that Aunt Robee and Uncle BH got us from Greece.. as Baby En looked on in anticipation..

Uncle BH: "This (referring to the erotic poses printed on the cards), you must learn, as it will NOT be obsolete when you grow up'
Baby En: *looking excited*

While it seemed really funny at that point, later upon reflection, I find that what I thought was pure-corniness, actually has a lot of sense in it.

By the time En grows up, a lot of things will be obsolete - the laptop will be evolved to a more powerful gadget probably; the chickens may be extinct (very valid point with the bird flu)..

But some age old things will remain - and ironically, yes, nudity and eroticism will remain highly relevant still - see how the Karma Sutra has survived the test of time, and given new lease of life with interpretation in countless languages and even updated with visuals.. as I recalled seeing some version in bookstore with images..

So I am very impressed with how BH's seemingly off-handed and corny remarks seem to make a lot of sense actually.. Really quite a refreshing perspective!!


PhengHong said...

Ok.. we'll get him a set of pictorial baby guide to karma sutra if we ever step foot in Greece again!...start him young! kekekeke.....

By the way... Both babies don't need to know blogging then it's just as obsolete as cassette tapes is to us!

Brother BH....

Miu said...

Al...right! YOU WIN!!
At this rate, all that we know as our world are gonna turn antiques very soon!!!
