Sunday, August 19, 2007


Had a chance to do continuous photo shoots of the 2 boys over the weekend.
Here are the 3 faces of the 2 boys..

Different yeah?
They look different, their temperaments are so different..

I think Xuan is too active, and too cheeky for his name sometimes...


JoyfulJazzyMummy said...

They really look different. En looks more like u, as in the same big expressive eyes. Xuan is so cherubic!

Skyy Low 刘乐天 said...

I think En looks more like the Daddy lor. Haha :)

JoyfulJazzyMummy said...

Hmm... agree too cos in some ways, can see hints of NJ-ness in En.

Baby En said...

hm... really? I dun think the boys look very like us.. but when i look at some of my baby photos and compare to en when he was younger, we look a bit alike. But as he grows more boyish, dunno who he looks like.. haha!
