Saturday, September 20, 2008

Good to be Home...& Fengshui

I am so happy to be back in Singapore after 2 days in KL.
I was lovesick and homesick in KL. But it allowed me a good night break from the kids where I am able to have a restful sleep.

I also had a productive day today topping up grocery, visiting the banks to sort out the banking matters, and bringing Xuan or his class where he had an enjoyable time doing his water play for this week.

All in all, rather productive, and best of all, I bought my ticket to Beijing.

It was a dilemna to bring the kids or not.
This is probably the last time I can spend quality time alone with hubby, and i am feeling selfish about it. After all, come next yr, I will have 24/7 days of being with the 3 kids.

Yet at the same time, I know hubby miss the kids a lot and will like to see En at least.
It was a tough decision to make, not withstanding the fact whether I can cope with en alone on the way in and out..

I really want to be selfish this time. And it is so hard a decision to make, which accounts for the delay in getting the tickets as I am still not sure if it is the right thing to do.

And I hope the kids understand.
I am sorry, boys.
But I hope you will grow up to understand and appreciate the trade offs that parents make for their kids, for you.

Quality parent times are important I think.. and it is rare that parents have private time away from kids.. It is not that you boys are not important to us. Just as I spend quality each day with each of you, I also need to spend time with papa.. and also with myself..

And because, you are so important to us, we, as parents feel the responsibility to build a strong, resilient and enduring relationship so that we have a wholesome family. 保贝, 对不起

On my flight in and out of KL, I also had time to read about the Dragon's outlook for next year from Lilian Too's book. I am a fan ever since a friend gave me a copy in one of my worst down and out year. And i find some truism in her predictions through the years.

In any case, it is good to know that Rabbit hubby is a compatible companion for me, and I just realise the 2 little boys are already the secret friends for hubby and myself.

En, the rooster is my secret friend who will help weather the obstacles and we are good for each other when we come together.

Xuan the dog is good for hubby, both of whom are beneficial for each other.

So rightfully, we are good.. although the rabbit horoscope states that having a kid next year will be beneficial for the Rabbit. And if I have a baby Rat, it will be beneficial for the dragon..

So here it is, extracted from Lillian Too's book. For other Dragon, Rabbit couples!

Dragon with Rabbit
Outstanding Continuity and Success Luck

These two will have few problems building a nest together as they have a natural preference for the same things. They have similar tastes and like the same style. They also have an ability to work well together and although they sometimes see an occasional disagreement, generally, this is a peaceful match which brings happiness to both. The Dragon is a dominating kind of person and the rabbit accepts this, and is in fact attracted to it. Hence, there are few ego problems here. Neither are the seriously competitive type when it comes to their loved ones. In fact they are very supportive of each other and look outside the relationship to assuage their ego. As a couple their aspiration for success is complementary rather than competitive. So this is a relationship that does not get split by egos clashing. Rabbit has no problems creating a stable relationship with dragon as they are both able to see the big picture and instinctively work towards achieving results they both desire. This characteristic makes an excellent basis to create something sound and lasting together.

When it comes to forging an united front to withstand troublemakers from outside trying to upset their equilibrium, this pair is also very on the ball. Their loyalty to one another is admirable, is the secret of their resilience and also their happiness. The Dragon can fly as high or as far as he/ she wishes, and the Rabbit will always be around to offer a helping hand.

Couples in their thirties enjoy a great year where opportunities flourish. Dragon is riding high and the rabbit is the wind beneath dragon's wings. there could also be times during the year when rabbit makes some outstanding sacrifices for dragon.

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