Monday, March 12, 2007

En's Initation to College Green - Rudolph in Spring

My niece and nephews growing up in College Green often have "badges" of bruises here and there, a testimony of the active lifestyle they lead, and the amount of mischief they are up to.

Just some months back, Bing Bing (who is 6 months older than En) had hurt his nose when he fell, resulting in a bruised red nose. It was a rather cute bruise which I could not help smiling at whenever I saw him.

And barely 2 months after we move into College Green, En was finally "initiated" into the falling culture of College Green too. He fell on the basketball court while chasing after a ball.

It started innocently enough, faint red bruises on his nose, barely discernible - but still, we immediately took photos of this first bruises of his, and in College Green - aside from the huge mosquitoes bites. He looked a bit like Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, arriving in Spring haha! And we all have a good laugh.

And then, on the next day, we were surprised that the bruises got a bit darker, really obvious now.

And on the 3rd Day, the bruises looked downright nasty. And I brought him out shopping along Orchard road looking like that - quite funny actually. Oh, and on that note, he was really well behaved when I brought him to the library, he even helped me picked up my fallen books and put them back on the shelf - that is the power of Montessori training I think. More on that next time. Been doing my reading and research on Montessori education.

Of course, it must have been painful when he fell. But in a crazy sense, I am very proud of this little mark on his nose (Of course, I don't think it will be permanent la!). And the photos are valuable, I mean no point all photos of him looking cute right? Photos like these have greater meaning and value I feel. And I am proud of the bruises because it kinda show that he is one tough active boy, and undaunted by the falls and trouble he occasionally gets into. ...

See his cheeky look in the photo below - You think he looked scared meh?! I am sure there are more mischief to come lor!! I just love his spirit man!

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