Sunday, December 17, 2006


Baby En is quite a connoisseur of food, he seems to love all food, esp. our adult food. And he shows his appreciation in a rather distinct and in his usual cheeky way - whenever we asked him if the food tasted good, he will respond with the sign on the left - with his thumb and index finger in a sign much like the James Bond 007 symbol..

What he was trying to imitate was the usual thumbs up sign, but somehow, try as he might, he could not seem to keep his index finger down with the rest of his other fingers, so it ended up looking like the 007 sign or the gun sign.. (as his grandparents initially mistook it for).. Guess that is probably what is meant by babies developing gross motor skills, but not yet the fine motor skills...

Recently he added a twist to the sign by lifting his hand up and tilting his head slightly as in the picture and it was really quite hilarious to watch... and his consistency in response really tickled us no end!!

Wonder where En was in this picture? More on that the next time, but for sure it's a yummy eating place and En had just eaten some real yummy stuff..

En's Goodie Foodie Jingle
"Ask me how is my food
I will tell you it is GOOD
Just watch my hand and my sign
And feel tears of laughter flood your eyes!!"

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