Tuesday, December 05, 2006

New beginning with Kids..

When we first had our flat, a friend of mine suggested that we should take pictures of the development of the home, tracing the transformation from brick and mortar to a home..By the time I heard her suggestion, it was a tad too late...

This time round, I decided to heed her suggestion and take some pictures of the house in its raw stage.. Sometimes, I think we have to believe in fate and how things sometimes just fall in place, about 2 yrs back, before we even have kids or planning for kids, we applied to queue for this place thinking it will be a great place for our home.. and a bonus if and when we have kids..

And now that we are pregnant with Bao-Xuan, and with En's toys beginning to overwhelm the living room, it is timely that some units are available (finally!) and we have a choice of 2 units to choose from..

Not only will En and Xuan have their cousins across the basketball court to play and fight with, the greens and vast nature space will be great for the babies to roam around.. Not only that, the additional space in the house will be great for the kids and momo as well..

I envisage a life much filled with nature and music, good for the little souls.. it is sometimes tough to get away from our concrete jungle, and hopefully this place will provide memorable childhood experiences for the 2 little boys.. Boys will be boys, I will be glad to have them expend their boundless energy outdoors, rather than driving me crazy within the 4 walls..

In a way, this symbolises a new beginning for us, by the time we moved in, I will have delivered Baby Xuan and celebrated 3 decades of living.. which also marks the end of my child-bearing days, unless someone knows a fool-proof formula for conceiving gals :), so all of us look forward to the move in Feb.. by then I will be just out of my confinement and trying to adjust to life of having 2 boys... geee... but we do hope the boys will have an enriching and FUN childhood as we can best provide for them within our means...

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