Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Missing Bao En - Here's some action!

Never say that I favour any kid over another.. i dunno but i dun think I will be the kind who will show any favoritism overtly.. I say overtly cuz I think covertly, every parent will bear slightly different feelings towards each different child, as each child will relate to his/ her parent in a different way..

But in any case, enough of Xuan for a while, for those who are wondering what happens to En.. he is fine and jolly, many tads naughtier, and has started playing with Momo...

Here's a video clip of him and Momo, one of the best clips we have taken this year we felt.. as it captures En's feelings well - he is enthralled by the dog but yet at the same time cautiously prudent of Momo...

Towards his baby brother, En greeted him on the second day with giggles and grins, a good sign for a start althought hubby wonders if En merely treats Xuan as a toy, or rather, his toy heehee.. Well, we did what many advised, which was to give to En a gift from Xuan, and En seems to be fine with that.. En pro-actively tries to touch Xuan and always smiles at him..

He even knows the term "弟弟" refers to Xuan, and when I am in the room feeding Xuan, he keeps toddling in just to see him and will giggle.. I guess En may be possessive sometimes, esp. with his favourite daddy, but it may not graduate to the feeling of jealousy... by the time he is old enough to recognise that emotion, they would have been chummy playmates for some time.. this I hope..

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