Sunday, December 24, 2006

Baby Xuan, Our Noel

For once, I am slower in my updates compared to Hubby's blog (Fatherhoot, Inc)... Just too tired from the lack of sleep to do anything but veg out and sleep..

Surprisingly, the labour is easy.. maybe cuz I am a second time mum, but once again, I swear by being induced, it is more planned, no mad worries of creating a scene with water bag bursting in office, i am able to ensure I am well pain -insulated with epidural administered before the heavy contractions come, and overall, it gives me lots of peace of mind knowing everyone is expecting the arrival of Baby Xuan on 21 Dec...

The labour is short, and I dun have to push more than 3 times before baby is out.. so for those who ask how does labour feel etc, i frankly am not a representative sample, cuz i dun feel much pain- numbed all the way, which probably allowed me to focus on pushing out the baby, and I really dunnno what it means to have arduous labour pains..

Then the tough part begin - for me, the breastfeeding, the worry over whether he is getting enough hydration.. etc... well, in comparison, labour is soo easy!!

Again, being the typical Aqarius, I believe in signs and fate.. when we stepped into the labour ward and was welcomed by the same Hong Kong midwife Ms. Cheung, I know we are in good hands, well at least she is a familiar face and bantering with her did help to put me at ease in an, otherwise, sterile and clinical environment. And thanks to her, she stayed past her shift to see to Baby Xuan being delivered..

While the labour hours are short, I am still bored enough to wonder about re-naming Xuan - inspiration from Class 95 (yes, you get to listen to radio, watch HBO movies in the delivery suite), which is again another sign that 21 Dec is the day for delivering Xuan, as Glenn and the Flying Dutchman were sharing the list of Top 5 names for Boys and girls..

Given the festivities, I wondered aloud if we should name our Baby Santa - again true to my eccentric Aquarian streak, after all it is an unique and apt name for the baby.. guess hubby did not have the guts to make baby too different, so he suggested Noel, which I took an instant liking to too..

I just felt Edric is too serious a name for our bundle of joy at Christmas - and anyway, Xuan will be a Sagittarius, not a Capricorn, so may not have that leadership streak as per the sign.. something more jovial will fit our free spirited Sagittarius I thought - yeah, a name like Santa will indeed be very free spirited!

So here is a first look at Noel Yap Bao Xuan - more to come later, now its feeding time again for Xuan - yes its back to that routine for those who know.. Merry Christmas!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

baby xuan!
